Hi, I'm Cameron ✌🏽

Me taking a video of water in Scotland
Me backpacking in Isle Royale National Park
Me getting my award at the art show
Me on a bus in Yakushima
Me skiing in New Hampshire
Me at Jmon Sugi


I have been programming for 10+ years. My focus is on full stack web development using JavaScript and TypeScript, React and Next.js, and more. I enjoy taking ideas from concept to production and beyond.



Woodcrafting is a skill that I share with my dad. He is my mentor and collaborator. We have built many things together, including a 17 foot sea kayak. My favorite part about woodcraft is that it's a way to give trees a second life.See more



I have been using my Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6k to capture the beauty of the world around me. I will occasionally post what I find. I think carrying a camera around with me has made me more in tune with my surroundings and has helped me find new perspectives. I feel at home when I am with my cameras.


I played hockey for more than 20 years and I think it will always be a big part of who I am.

Johnstown Tomahawks 2014
Endicott College 2017
Johnstown Tomahawks 2014
Johnstown Tomahawks 2014
Rio Grande Valley Killer Bees 2015